Who ever pushed Kurosawa to make color films is amazing!! in Ran every shot was one amazing picture the color in everything was phenomenal and over the top beautiful. i hope he didn't play with the coloring in the camera because the scenery in Ran makes me want to travel to Japan so bad! I want to take the roll of film and take the individual frames and urn some of them into amazing photographs. I wonder if his previous films would have been just as amazing if they were in color as well, if they would have helped his film to be as visually enjoying as Ran was.
I feel that the ending scene when the blind man is alone on top of this huge cliff with this almost angry/ strangely peaceful sky in the background. I think this scene is visually interesting and visually different in that we start out at only seeing his shadow. Where as in other shots looking that away from the subject we can still see details and faces. But in this scene we only see shape and body form. It is almost emphasizing that we too are just as blind as the man on the cliff. That like the blind man our vision is also restricted. Also supporting the dismantling of everything of a hero losing everything even the human senses.
- Jennifer K
I have a feeling one of the reasons Kurosawa's movies were not so well received in class is because they have the two things we hate the most in movies: 1) the first two were in black and white and 2) they were subtitled. This is obviously not ok. You make a valid point though, and I think we may have talked about this before, that the colors and the costumes in Japanese movies make them all the more enjoyable. Kurosawa doesn't do as much cool light effects as say Orson Welles in Citizen Kane, and really I don't think there was any added benefit of filming Yojimbo in black and white (unless of course the technology wasn't available at that time I'm not sure). Certainly a shame.
I really liked the scenery. It was pretty good looking. I think this kind of saves Ran from the fact that it's waaay over the top. With this movie you know that if it becomes too much to focus on then you can always stop paying attention and just look at the scenery, cuz it's way cool.
I still have yet to figure out why the class hates subtitles. Anyways, perhaps one of the reasons why I liked stray dog more is because it was filmed in black and white. It prevented Kurosawa from going haywire with the technicolor.
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