Thursday, September 27, 2007

Gotta Love The Foreign Films

This is a movie I made for German class. I thought I'd show it off and try to boost the view counter on Youtube. It's my German rap; the lyrics and music are my own (with another kid). If you're in for a good laugh, take the comments on the bottom and put them through any German to English translator. The movie didn't go well with the actual German people, but you can learn some good burns from it.


Rohan said...

I like the use of costumes in this video. Due to the fact that I understand absolutely nothing of what is happening, it actually does give me some insight into what you and keith are doing.
Oh, and keith needs a haircut

clnferl said...

I haven't a clue why this would not be embraced by the German people. They obviously have no taste. Also, Rohan is right. Keith does need a haircut.

—A.M. Landreville said...

uhhhhhhhh.....nice use of the extreme long shots during the mexican fight to establish a sense of hopelessness in the chaos of battle in a suburban backyard.

In other words, i loved it.