Monday, November 19, 2007

Would you like to comment?

I’m up for avoiding work as much as the next guy, and I’m sorry to all of you people who would read this if you were still forced to, but I feel compelled to ask if anybody else is actually reading these things now that comments are no longer required. I was always motivated to try at these assignments knowing that other people may actually read them. However, without user feedback I have a sinking feeling that my posts are going to deviate farther and farther away from their usual “quality”.

So I would ask of anybody who is still reading this to comment on this post (just one!). If you don’t, then I suggest you STOP reading this because things are about to get really, really stupid (just kidding Klobs).

1 comment:

Preston said...

I feel the same way. Knowing that my assignment could be read by anyone in my class kinda makes me step it up a notch. And as you can see, I still make an effort to read other people blogs, I find them interesting.
